Thursday, April 4, 2013

At Last

At Last

I’ve always felt you were my destiny
Sent to rescue me with your charm.
Now, I know you’re an angel,
A bruised angel, who needs
Real love in his life,
A safe place called home
Where he can heal his wounds.

We started out talking on the phone,
texting and instant messaging all through the night.
We also said we would meet each other
Eventually, but that was years ago.

You were down on life for a while,
And so I tried to remain strong for your sake.
Then, it was my turn to hit rock bottom,
And you were a great example for me to live by.
I guess that’s how we came to love each other.

But being 200 miles apart is hard I know,
Not what I expected God to bring,
But he made the right choice,
I know I'm in love with a real man,.
A real man.

Nowadays we're both working,
we don't talk as much as we used to,
But I always keep your best interests in mind,
And do things to make you laugh and smile.
And other times I do things to make you horny.
Cause I want you... to want me.

Other times, I feel you're just frustrated,
all of us men get that way sometimes,
so I give you your space, so
you can think things out,
and be your lovely little self again.

Repeat Chorus

One day, I know we will be in the same room together,
and we will make love forever,
Our hands clenched tightly together,
looking into each other’s eyes,
Deep emotional pools of light blue and green
Blending together like a painting.
We’ll both be crying together
because we're finally inside each other.

Then, in the morning time, both us still naked,
Cuddling between your sheets,,
I will smile at you,
Kiss you deeply on the lips,
and we will start a new chapter together.

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