Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sad Days

Sad Days

Watching for you from the corner of my eye,
All the time, 24/7, non-stop.
I’m more paranoid than ever,
Cause of the damage we’ve done to each other.

The stakes are high,
The adrenaline flows,
The drama continues,
A part of me wants it to end,
But most of me wants it to continue,
Cause it gives me a rush…

Chorus 1:
An innocent little accident
To my worst enemy
Can be my very best friend.
You pushing me down the stairs
Did not break me, or deform me,
It only turned me into a monster.

Feel so guilty over what I’ve done,
I was paid to commit the crime
Against humanity.
It wasn’t just for the money,
You destroyed my friends, my family,
My career, my everything…
I had to make the best move possible.

Repeat Pre-Chorus

Chorus #2:
An innocent little accident
To my worst enemy
Can be my very best friend.
But, I feel I have only motivated
You to take revenge against me,
And the same old thing keeps continuing,
It keeps going, the pressure never stops,
The pain never comes to an end!

It fills me with such regret,
A feeling of melancholy
When I think of how it could have been,
And how you cast me out of your life.

Sad days when you think of how we used to be friends,
And how we insist on hurting each other now.
Its sad days when you feel it’s spiraling out of control,
And you just can’t stop yourself from sinking your teeth in.

I think back to the days when we would walk together in the sun,
And, even when our life’s were depressing as hell,
We at least had the comfort of each other’s friendship
To keep us more balanced in life.

Now, you and I have nothing,
But pain repressed deep within’ our souls.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Revenge Of The Exhibitionist

Revenge Of The Exhibitionist

I've always been rebellious,
Always paved my own path
in life, rather than following
Foot-steps in the snow.
I've been criticized a lot
By narrow-minded folks
who don't understand
what it's like to always
hold your feelings inside.

But, I'm not that little boy anymore,
I am man who's bent on getting his revenge.
There's too many chips on my shoulder,
for me to be silent about the world anymore.

Chorus 1:
Taking off my clothes just to gain your attention
like a stripper at a night-club,
I've got you on my mind,
and I'm never going to let you escape my love now.

Maybe it's just psychological,
but people have always looked at me funny.
They whisper to each other,
right in front of my face,
like I don't know who
what and where
they're talking about.
I think it's insecurity,
because they know
I'm better than them.

I've warned you before those who are quiet,
are apt to explode before your eyes,
and once that happens,
there is no turning back the clock.

Chorus 2:
Taking off my clothes just to gain your attention,
like a stripper at a night-club.
I've got you on my mind,
and I'm never going to let you escape my love now.
Setting outrageous fires as I get my revenge
against those who broke my heart,

All those who laughed at me,
and said it couldn't be done,
They're all on the run now...

You were all fools to think
I'd always stay quiet, and innocent,
Cause once you have confidence again,
You can conquer the world!!!

Taking off my clothes just to gain your attention,
and I spread it across the web,
and you find it in your inbox the next day,
then I imagine you seeing me exposed,
and I get off, I get off,
all over myself.
That’s what I wanted all along.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rapid Changes

Rapid Changes
Dedicated to: My early
Ogden days.

I became so sick of life
That I was willing to take
A chance on anything.
So, when he invited me
Into his home in February,
I went in a heartbeat,
Because I wouldn’t have
To deal with family,
And I’d be free to roam…
And roam is what I did.

And, when I found that notice of eviction
On my door, I didn’t freak out,
Didn’t cry nor scream,
Instead, I shut mysell down
And, I became quieter than I ever had been before.

Rapid Changes affected me
To the point where my body
Couldn’t keep up with my soul.
It was difficult at first,
But I had to keep pushing
So that I could survive the test of life.

After you agreed to let me stay in your home,
I had a wedding to plan,
I had to start a new job,
I had dreams to fulfill.
I had to get my mojo back.
I loved you so much,
That it scared me,
As we continued on,
The road became very rocky
And eventually I knew I had
To leave you
And throw your ring into
The Ogden river.

I came so close to death the previous summer,
That I wanted so desperately
To find that one love that would be pure and sweet,
And so I dated, and dated, and dated some more…
In the end, I was just lied to, used and abused.
It was wrong of me to be as blind as I was,
And give my heart away to these worthless scums.

Ohh all these rapid changes
Are causing me to cry
So much that I’m making myself ill.
I’ve got to pull myself together now,
And keep pushing towards the future…

I decided to take a trip to my hometown,
And I met with the guy who saved me from disaster.
I spent some time with him,
And had myself a good time in the sun,
But, I told myself not to fall in love,
He’s married, you can’t do this to
Yourself any more.

As I laid myself down to sleep that night,
I dreamt of re-stabilizing,
And rebuilding my career
With my new friend by my side,
Putting an end to my pathetic dating life,
And living happily ever after.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Petty Theft

Petty Theft

I am a criminal of the worst kind,
I became friends with you,
just to use you, abuse you,
and leave you all alone after I'm finished.

This is common for me, to move from house to house,
Living off people just to get by in life,
I've never had a real job,
Only job I've ever had is crime.

Searching through your room
To find what I need,
Whether it be money, a shirt, cologne,
I take it without conscientious thought,
Like it’s second nature to me,
I never feel guilt until after the fact.

It started out when I was young,
I didn’t care really care about feelings
Other than my own,
I just did what I wanted,
Took what I could,
And now I’m a straight-up thieve and liar.

I look you straight in the eye,
And I tell a lie to your face.
I do this so perfectly well
That you never take notice
To that twinkle in my eye,
Or that smirk on my face,
You just go on believing I’m perfect.

Rummaging through your cabinets,
Aiming to find something special,
And I come across something rather embarrassing.
I have a chuckle to myself
As I continue my act of self-destruction.
I know I can’t continue on like this forever,
But in my current state of immaturity,
I feel it’s quite rewarding.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Past And Present

Past And Present

I've been going on through life,
Trying to find a man
who would be my soul mate,
who would be my best friend.
I've had good relationships,
and I've had bad relati            onships.
I've felt like I've had some really good times,
                                           while learning some difficult lessons.                   

You can find a man online,
Or you can meet him in person,
It don't matter, all relationships
take time to work themselves out.
A lot of people get opinionated,
and come up with their own rules in dating,
But they're only hurting themselves,
because you have to be liberal, open and free,
and willing to risk the world to be with that individual.

Don't let the past control your present,
Don’t let fears of the unknown swallow you whole,
You have to take the torch in your hand,
                                                                  strive to be different,              
and accomplish something in your life.

I talk very little, but I listen a lot,
and I Hear people complain about $$$.
All day long, 24/7.
They make no effort to change their situation,
They just come into work, and want
to spread their negativity
like an infectious disease
that infects your lungs,
and makes everything else spiral out of control.

I learned a long time ago,
it is better to be hopeful
of things working out in the end,
I would never drag my problems
onto another person,
never use them as a punching bag
for any frustration I may have.
I’ve always believed
The individual must take
Care of themselves.
And if something goes wrong,
They have nobody to blame but themselves.


I set out to inspire quite
a few people by my bold words today.
Someone had to speak up,
and let you all know there's a better way to live...